Roger Imhof

It Is a nautical arrangement with a wellconstructed theme.
A new version of "Casey, the Piper," has been prepared for the "Empire Show." It Is called "Casey's Alley." "A Wise Man," by Imhof and the girls, proved one of the hits. Another was "Peek-a-Boo," with novel effects. "Eyes of Man," an allegorical spectacle, used last season, again served as the finale. John A. West gave good support In a semistralght part, and Suzanne Corlnne as the soubrette is capable. Gussle Linder looked well in pretty gowns and showed a splendid figure in green tights. John A. West in a "Brownie" make-up, brought much laughter with his musical eccentricities nnd his "singing" wolf.
Variety 12:1 (09/19/1908)