"Marathon Girls", including the acts "The March
of the U. S. A." and "Hats Off to the
Navy,". The "Aeroplane" song is there without
the aeroplane, and the last scene of the
second act is the "Polo Grounds, New
York." Mr. Evans is the main comedian, working
in a sort of tramp make-up, but without
further character. Between himself,
Billy Welp, funny through a make-up
and Johnstone Flynn, a cissified dude who
isn't cissified or dude enough, but sings
perfectly so no one understands the words,
there are many laughs in the show. Two of the best songs of the evening
were sung by Hugo Angelo. "The Six Irish Colleens." sing and try to dance. Clare Evans and Babette present a
sketch in the olio called "The Wrong Mr.
Variety 16:4 (10/02/1909)