Nestor and Haynes

[New act] Comedy and songs, 14 mins.; one. Last winter Ned Nestor and Olivette Haynes headed a revue. Out by themselves they have framed a skit routine called “Her Guardian.” Nestor plays straight, Miss Hayne doing an eccentric comedienne throughout. The opening talk hinges on the young guardian’s threat to marry her off to an old professor, the cross fire working up a tag line, “Get Out.” Nestor singled with a lullaby, the words of which were parodied, and he sued a pillow to represent an infant. He dodged the high notes in the number, but yodeled rather well. Miss Haynes had “Im a Darn Wise Kid.” Her clowning drew giggles and she shaped up as a promising eccentric. On next to closing the act was well liked.  
Variety Magazine, LVIII: 29 October 1920