Millie Butterfield & Co.

A widow and child living beside a lunatic asylum are in dire straits. A letter arrives that a benefactor will come that afternoon with money. The mother insists that she will shave her age down to 29 and her child must appear 8 instead of 18. Daughter agrees in order to prove she is an actress. Her young man appears as they are getting set up for their visitor and says a lunatic tried to kiss him outside. Daughter plays baby so well the man is convinced she is crazy too. He is so confused at finale he is carted away in a wheelbarrow. Leila Carton does the "kid" part; Millie Butterfield the mother and Ned Carton the youn
"Frenzied Fancies"
Needs more work and "even then will never cause convulsions of laughter"
Variety 1:3 (30/12/1905)