Lucy Gillette

13 Mins.; Three (Interior; Delf Setting) Title: It didn’t take Lucy Gillette long Monday night to prove that novelty still abounds in juggling. Here’s a woman of pleasing appearance, acrobatically inclined, and with prodigious strength which she uses without assuming undue masculinity usually manifest in acts requiring display of physical prowess. She registered a solid hit at the Colonia, being a wonderful juggler, steady of eye and quick of hand. Miss Gillette shows no bugly muscles, yet she’s of stocky appearance. She wears a dutch outfit, as also does a man who assists in handling the articles. The setting is also of the Dutch delf scheme. Miss Gillette juggles all sorts of heavy articles on her forehead while spinning plates and basins with her feet and hands. Her routine is varied and pleasing, difficult apparently for even a man, but she gracefully, prettily and smilingly executes each trick to big results. Miss Gillette is one of the vaudeville treats of the season. The big time could use a few more with women of ingenuity and originality.
Variety, Volume XXXVI, no.6, October 10, 1914