Lonesome Town

Kolb and Dill are the sponsors for "Lonesome Town,"; called "A Comedy with Music," the book written by Judson C. Brusie and the music by J. A. Raynes. additional pieces performed: There are several interpolated musical numbers; in fact, nearly all seem to be. "Gee, but This is a Lonesome Town,", "Your Father was a Soldier,", "The Spirit of '76", "The Art of Making Love" (Sager Midgley and Gertie Carlisle), "Just Some One,", "I'm Running After Nancy", additional performers: Ben T. Dillon, Maude Lambert, Robert G. Pitkin, Wilmer Bentley, Edna Dorman, Irma Croft and George Wright, Sr.,
After the first of the two acts in "Lonesome Town," playing at the Studebaker, Chicago, an asbestos curtain, thick and heavy, was lowered. To the uninitiated stranger in the dull, dirty city of the West it seemed for all the world as though the theatre management intended to protect Kolb and Dill and the rest of the cast in the piece from the well-earned rage of the audience, but it developed that a local ordinance compels the dropping of the fire guard when nothing is going on upon the stage. If that is a fire or building regulation, the asbestos curtain might as well obstruct the whole of "Lonesome Town" from view. There is little more than nothing on view during the entire performance. The show may close at the Studebaker to-night, either for its Chicago run or forever. There was a report to that effect a week •*o.
Variety 9:5 (01/11/08)