Lloyd and Wells.

“Gentlemen From Dixie.” 12 Mins. One. Balfour Lloyd and Gilbert Wells have until lately been classed as “hoofers.” Bight now their routine takes in but two minutes of dancing and the balance is mostly devoted to comedy. The act opens with the boys as darkies, draped on a bench in slumber. Lloyd stirs himself, but his partner can’t be aroused until he hears the call of the crap-shooter, his buddy handling the little cubes. The bit Is made funny and Is done well. Dialogue drawl followed and a big laugh came with the “dodge brothers” gag, a line that has been claimed by several people. The boys handled a song, “I Got A Wonderful Gal,” very well. The number is a peculiar one, the lyric being draped around a real Jazzy tune.
Variety LVIII: 6 April 1920