Mr Grant In a dream Is the German Emperor listening to “The Spirit of Peace” and “The Spirit of the Workers of
the World.” they disillusioning him of a waking belief on preparedness. The story is couched in finely written understandable dialog, and the utterances of the different characters
were often Interrupted by involuntary
applause. There are some strong points made.
The sketch at present, unless there is a belief the German-American element might resent it in part (which is doubtful) for the slamming It gives the Kaiser, should prove a really Interesting and studious item on any
Tho sober minute of the performance was
given by Lawrence Grant and Co. in their war sketch. "The Final Arbiter." The playlet seemed even more timely now than it once did, when there was a neutrality question in connection with It.
Variety 45:12 (02/16/1917)