The name of the act was taken from the principals who are all South Americana with the exception of a nut comedian, solely North American. The act runs quite a little to the dances of the southern countries. The principals are evidently but recently Imported for they do not attempt either talk or songs in English… The comedian is sort of an acrobatic nut comic with some ability and very little material. ‘ He is’ doing all of the usual nut bits, picking here and there from those who have traveled before and not landing any place in particular. He is not altogether to blame for he is out there on his own most of the time, getting very little assistance from the material 01 the other principals. He seems to have ability as a dancer, but only attempts one short routine. Properly placed he might give a good account of himself. The special set gives the surroundings a sort of a southern atmosphere and is fixed up to give the idea of a hotel lobby. There are nine people, six men and three women. A leader may also be carried. The size of the act makes it too big to handle for the small time, especially at this time of the year and the act for the big time is not there. It has all the ear marks of a small time girl act and used as one would do very well as a feature. Monday night at the Broadway the act took several curtains. Most of the applause came from the balcony.
Variety, LXII: 12, May 13, 1921.