This couple, while retaining the former style of turn, have worked out a new routine. The woman explains she is a picture star and desires a double to work for her in a flying machine stunt. The job is to be his if he will consent to ascend 17,000 feet and “stand” for a drop into the ocean. Asking how much he Is to be paid for the stunt and how he is to get the dough, she explains the money will be in the form of a draught—after he falls. During a change the man had a comedy lyric, “The Scandal of Mr. Buick and Lizzie Ford.” A ballad, then old-time songs by the woman for the finale, the man dancing during the singing. He retains his “sure” expression. The turn was liked on fourth. It fits the three-a- day bookings.
Variety, LXII:8, April 15, 1921.