German comics.
They open with a quantity of talk a little ahead of the usual German sort, and manage to string along a goodly series of laughs.
The medley of popular airs, while modern, has very little point.
If Monday night's audience at the Fifth Avenue is to be the criterion, Gordon and Marx will have smooth sailing in the east.
As an encore, the "exchange beer" gage is done, very well. The audience had evidently never seen the bit before, for it was a big laugh.
Their manner of working quickly shows that they are thoroughly accustomed to each other.
On appearance alone the boys are good for a laugh. There is a big difference in height between the pair which for some reasons looks more laughable here than in other cases.
It is quite necessary to have a few laughs distributed through the last minute or two.
Variety 29: 13 (September 3, 1910)