Gertrude Hoffman

Seven horses are grouped up stage with a picturesquely garbed huntsman in each saddle, and Miss Hoffman made her entrance on a splendid looking animal.
Does impersonations of Eddie Foy, Anna Held and Geo. M. Cohen, in addition to impersonations of the "Merry Widow" waltz principals, Eva Tanguay, Harry Lauder and Adeline Genee.
To say that the act was a substantial hit does scant justice to the enthusiastic reception given it Wednesday evening.
Surrounding circumstances make the Tanguay imitation the most interesting, as it is the cleverest and most skilful [sic] of the series. It is a bit of positively inspired mimicry, wonderfully faithful in spirit and amazingly close to the original in every detail of action and dress.
Variety 9:13 (03/07/1908)