15 Mins.; One. Sidney Barcy and Frank Farrington are the two leading male players in “The Million Dollar Mystery.” The pair have had little experience on the vaudeville stage, as their present turn shows. They are picture actors and it is to their disadvantage that they have sought vaudeville. Anyone upon seeing them on the boards will never give them the credit they should get for their work in pictures. The act opens with a reel showing the men as they appear in the serial. They receive a note from the management stating they will be cancelled if they do not put in an immediate appearance as the audience is waiting. Some trick photography is used in the dressing of the two men. Their clothes spring to them from places around the room. The picture shows them rushing to the theatre. At this point they appear n the stage and the few real picture fans present on the roof Monday night (not many, or they would have been downstairs) let forth some applause. The two men stood upon the stage in an assumed dazed manner and questioned each other what they should do. Bracy told Farrington nearly lost his life in one of the last episodes. Then both threw bouquets at themselves with Bracy finally going into a sob recitation, the best thing done. Farrington follows with a burlesque story on his job of villain. This failed to amuse as did many of his antics. Frank may be able to do a number of things before the camera that won’t go over in vaudeville. For the finale the two sing about the “Mystery” and they make a hasty exit, to return for a last attempt at comedy by Farrington. It is a freak act and the names should bring business in the houses where the picture has been playing. The turn is running too long, opening.
Variety, Volume XXXVI, no.12, November 21, 1914