“American Whirlwind Beauties” (11).

19 Mins.; One and Full (Special Sets). F.M. Barnes, Inc., of Chicago has done very well on its maiden attempt in vaudeville productions. The eleven “American Whirlwind Beauties” made their initial bow to a good audience at the Grand Monday night in a bill that contained a lot of comedy, with a big girl act preceding them. The Three Kelcey Sisters are responsible for the leads, and their work proved a good buy for the producer. The Kelcey girls are clever. They sing well, are wonders in acrobatic terpsichorean work, and one does a comedy number in “one,” during a course of the act – and, in all, they demonstrate surplus versatility. The act opens in full stage with a snappy ensemble number. Eight of the prettiest and most graceful chorus girls recently seen in “girl” acts show here. The girls were bunched bit too closely in thus number, but it’s lively, and gave the act a nice start. The act is unusually well staged and costumed should prove a very acceptable feature for the biggest small time.
Variety, Volume XXXVI, no.4, September 26, 1914