Al Reeves’ Beauty Show

"A Practical Man,"; "The Land of Cotton" featuring Alice Jordan and Joe Manne; "Rosie," by Jordan; "When the Moon Plays Peek-a-Boo," by Manne; "Theatricals" featuring Ben Small; "The Iceman," featuring Adele Palmer; featuring Andy Lewis; Edwin Morris; Jeane Lansford; Irene Burton; Virginia Royden; Burton and Burton; The Madelewski Troupe of Russian dancers; Marty Ward and Harry Sheppell
As a "wise" comedian, they don't come any smoother than Reeves. He can make a straight party funny to a burlesque audience without becoming noisy, and is one of the very few burlesque comedians who can wear straight clothes and makeup without degenerating into a mechanical. "feeder."
Variety 12:7 (10/24/1908)