This is a very novel act. It opens in one, four girls enter, two with clarinets, one with a flute, and the other with a bassoon, and they play some very pretty music. They exit and then return with two more, all of them saxophones. This is also very pretty, their music being exceptionally good, and the girls being bright and pleasing looking in every way. They make another exit and the whole eight appear playing brass instruments, cornets, trombones, etc. and for a finish they do an electrical display, four of the girls appearing as boys in knickerbockers, and four with short dresses. They have small electric lamps scattered around their wardrobe and different circuits are worked alternately, making a very pretty effect. At the rear of the stage are some ornamental streamers to which are attached many electric lamps, and a lot of streamers hang from the center of the stage after the fashion of a May-pole, and for a finish all of these lamps are illuminated as well as those on the wardrobes, and it really makes about as attractive and novel picture as I have ever seen. They are pretty sure to make a big hit on the circuit. 23 min, open in one, close full stage.
University of Iowa, Keith-Albee Vaudeville Collection, Manager Reports, 21 September 1903-14 March 1904