Valerie Bergere and Co.

“Billie’s First Love”.  Splendid actress, good in any and every role, meritorious one-act plays always, capable support and ever received with enthusiasm.  Full Stage.

The Sleedes

“The Mysterious Hotel”.  Pantomimists are performers of black art.  Clever, comic and a hit.

Edwards Davis and Co.

“The Picture of Vanity”. The lines, while intensely dramatic occasionally sparkles with comedy and are punctuated with hearty applause. Mr. Davis is the best legitimate actor having appeared on our stage and has splendid support in Mr. Dax and Miss Cage. The special scenery, the entire production, is magnificent and Belasco could not improve either it or the cast. For $1,000, for $1,500, not even $2,000 has anything been sent us from the U.E.O as good as this act at $500.

Hibbert and Warren

They seemed to have forgotten this popular team and today the eccentric dance of one them was the same hit as ever. In one.

The 4 English Rosebuds

Good, hard working, novelty acrobatic dancers and the audience liked them, so did we. Full stage.

Otis Harlan and Co.

“An Accommodating Stranger”. His support consists of two men and two women who take their parts well. There are two old chaps who are brothers, the wife of one a suffragette, and a young lady going to a masked ball. The wife detects the two two [sic] old fellows trying to escape her and go to the ball. They explain that they are looking for a nobleman, a guest about to arrive and in their desperation pick up Harlan who agrees to impersonate the latter. Plenty of fun and good songs go to make up an act that fits Harlan nicely. Full stage.

“Chalk” Saunders

A clever artist who always fill positions two or three very nicely but this place is a little too stiff for him. In one.

August Van Bienne and Co.

“The Master Musician”. A beautiful play, splendidly acted, excellent support, and with his cello playing, gave most eminent satisfaction.

Harry S. Lester

By special arrangement with Mr. Lester he very considerably modified and shortened his monologue, following it with the best character imitations of Richard Carle, Victor Moore, Sam Bernard, James Thornton, James McIntyre, Billy Clifford, and Edwin Stevens ever given here. In this line of work he is a capable artists and makes a decided hit. In one.