In an act which comprises a little jugglery some very good hand balancing and some acrobatic comedy. The feature of the act is the balancing of one of the men on one finger which closed the act with hearty applause. 9 min, two shows, full stage. They use their own setting which is a plush background with imitations of mirrors.
Dutch comedian. He was something of a disappointment and I can’t say that he went well although he didn’t offend any one but I hardly think he is worth the salary we pay him. On account of the great amount of instrumental work, I deem it advisable to cut out his piano playing which of course weakened his act somewhat. 17 min, in one, 2 shows.
Comedy act in which some instrumental music was introduced, much to my surprise, the lady playing upon the Trombone, Piano, and Bugle. The comedy work and eccentric dancing was quite good and the act went first rate with the audience. Considering it is a three a day act I should call it very good. 18 min, open in three, close in one.
In a sketch that somewhat resembles the Thorn & Carlton act and which is fully as good while most nonsensical in its general make-up. It is presented in a very intelligent manner and the people show evidence of superiority over the general run of their class. The woman has a very nice voice and the man is really funnier. 22 min, open in 3 can close in 1, 2 shows.
Italian tenor. This is an act put on in the Providence House which went exceptionally well with the audience. The man’s voice is good of tenor robust character and his method is better than his voice. The songs while all of good character are not at all over the heads of the people generally. Considering the salary and that does three shows I should call it a very good act to play on the circuit. 12 min in 1.
I hardly think their new sketch ‘Jinks Insurance Man’ is up to the old act but it has the merit of being new and that goes a long way. The little boy is the principle feature of the act although the man and woman got quite a few laughs. They may be rated as goof from a three a day standpoint although I consider their act at least fully paid, if not a little more so. 19 min, in three.
This is an act something after the style of Blackson & Burns except that it is in the whiteface and it is undoubtedly the best act of its kind that I have ever seen, they have the funniest lots of stunts on the wire and they had the audience screaming. 17 min, full stage, 2 shows.
Bounding ball act introducing a very clever trained dog which although he only does very fun stunts his work is introduced in a very novel manner and went first rate. The act as a whole fell rather flat although I consider them very clever.
Signs Coon songs, tells stories, and dances. There is a little confliction in this act and the Rooney Sisters and I put them both together in order to get them out of the way early in the bill as Ritter is just a shade better than the Rooney sisters. 8 min in one, 3 shows.
Card conjurer. This man had exceedingly hard place on the bill following the Sylvas who do no talking, and his act opens with no talking and is quiet throughout. He does some clever work with the cards and finished with a truck trick which is indeed puzzling. He has a pleasing appearance and while he aroused no great amount of applause he seemed to interest and please our audience. 20 min, open in one, close full stage, 3 shows.