Man and woman Rifle Shots. As we do not get many of these kind of acts there acceptable and this is all right for an important place on the bill. It is by no means, as good as Winona & Frank, who do a very acceptable act, of course, but it is all right doing three a day. 11 min. full stage, 3 shows.
Man and woman, colored, the woman being an especially pretty colored woman. They have an act that is entirely different from those given by their race and the woman’s makeup was a Spanish girl and Indian is quite remarkable. They carry two drops which are something new to look at and all in all the act is a very good one indeed, especially when it is considered from the three a day standpoint. 15 min. in 1.
In ‘OUR HONEYMOON’ an act which they played for us several years ago, long enough for it to be revived and appear new now. Rice is one of the nest light comedians in the business and makes every line tell and I don’t know of any act (of its kind) that I would rather play. As salaries go, they are worth all they get. 22 min, full stage, 2 shows.
Hand to hand balancers and acrobats, who following the Valveno Brothers and Japs (as I remarked above) fell down horribly. I can’t see where the act is a great deal better than that of the Valveno Brothers, who get about one-half the salary and do three shows a day and fill more time in each show. 6 minutes, full stage, 2 shows.
These people have a great act and coming as it does, just at this time, following the Surrender of Port Arthur, they were especially well received. Aside from the sentiment in the matter however they do great work. I was strongly under the impression and it seems to me that I was told that these people did three turns and I figured my show accordingly. They have a contract however which calls for two, and I could not get them to do a third. In that way it rather upset my schedules considerably as I figured on them from 15 to 18 minutes on the supper show. They did 22 min, 2 shows, not 3.
Neat looking young woman who sings a song at the piano and three other songs. Good enough act to play once. She has a pretty good voice; some of her songs went well others did not. 12 min in 2, closing in one, 3 shows.
‘AS A MAN SOWS.’ Robert Hillard last night presented as a new sketch entitled ‘AS A MAN SOWS’; by many considered the strongest thing he has yet offered. While there many be some doubt about this, the fact still remains that he has an exceptionally strong vehicle and one that will carry him through vaudeville another couple of seasons, and in my mind, he should be booked in it at once. This regardless of any opinion that I may have had to the contrary before seeing this act which I have arranged for him to repeat during the remainder of the week. It is intensely dramatic but this is off-set by some charming comedy by the little child who in this piece is given the best opportunity she has yet had in any of the Hillard plays.
In their new act AN ANCIENT ROMAN. This is a very pretentious affair, they have two elaborate scenes which they carry for it including nine or ten special drops. I don’t consider the act as funny as what they produced before but it has the element of newness and novelty and is desirous from that standpoint. 23 min, full stage, 2 shows.
This act opens splendidly with one of the girls playing the violin and the other singing a song as their second number but they are terribly handicapped by their father who is blind, attempting the comedy end of it, and their finish in one of the three cornets is really poor. If the two girls could be secured to do their work which they could do in one or two very easily, they could give twelve or fifteen minutes of an especially pleasing tune which would be more valuable to use decidedly than their pleasant act. They are very pretty and very clever. As it is in its entirety the act is only fair. 23 min, open in three closing with about 5 min. in 1, 2 shows.
These people are entitled to credit by making an effort to give a new act although they have fallen somewhat short. I don’t want to give the impression that the act is bad in fact, I shall continue it in preference to repeating their old act but after MOORE & LITTLEFIELD’S turn, which this resembles, they fall very short. Leona Bland however does in this the best work I have seen here do, showing she has some ability of they had just the proper vehicle. 23 min, full stage, 2 shows.