This act was good last year but fails this time because the audience once having seen the trick exposed know how they are done and the comedy element is lost. Had they given us a number of new tricks (were they ever so simple) the act would have been all right. As it is it is valueless for the above reasons. I wouldn’t want them again except with decided understanding that they had a number of new tricks. 18 min, open in three can close in one, 3 shows.
I can’t for the life of me understand why this act is considered good and why they are getting a good salary. The early part of their act in which they attempt comedy is absolutely dead. Everything that they do has been copied from other people and they haven’t an original idea in the whole act excepting the finish when the third man comes on as a double. Never play them here again. 10 min, full stage, 2 shows.
Juggling act which I have not seen. Will report upon it tomorrow. Later – very bad.
These people do an act after the style of the Lukens Brothers but introduce in it an element of comedy which enhances the value, and while they don’t do some of the hair raising feats of the former team or of the Boyces I think the act as a whole is fully as good. 10 min. full stage, 2 shows
I don’t think that the individual voices in this Quartette Company are as good as some other big singing acts we have had, but in its entirety it is the most showy act of the lot. The concert work being especially strong. Can be rated as a feature anywhere. 14 min. open in 2, close in one, 2 shows.
– Magic. A very pretty, dainty, taking act. She is not remarkably skillful but presents a number of novelties in artistic manner, concluding with her Aerial Suspension, which she calls “The Sleeping Beauty”. As it has not been found in any Vaudeville House, in my time should be rated as a novelty and the audience were quick to recognise it as such. 28 min. full stage, 2 shows
This is one of the best dramatic sketches (comedy) we have ever had. It is splendidly played, especially so by the support whom I think are better than the principles, and he is not at all bad. The act went with screams this afternoon and is strong enough for any place in the bill. 27 min. in three, 2 shows.
Ventriloquist. Same act that he has given us on former visits and which went very well indeed 22 min. open full stage, close in one, 2 shows.
Monologue and song. The only failure on the bill. 12 min. in one, 2 shows.
In their old farce entitled, “Domestic Pets”. It was very well received by the audience this afternoon and as we have not had it in some years it was thoroughly all right. 20 min. full stage, 2 shows.