In exactly the same act they have always given us although I supposed they were giving a new act this year. There is no reason in the world why these people should be getting the salary they do and only doing two shows. With this present act at least and its constant repetition it certainly belongs in the three a day class, if they are to get the present salary. 20 min, open and close in one, 2 shows.
Colored people, four man and one woman. This act was something of a disappointment although from the three a day standpoint, as acts run now, might be called fairly good, hardly worth the salary it gets and still I don’t see how five people can travel around for anything less, although that is not our funeral. 19 min in 2, can work in one, 3 shows.
Formerly Inman & Startz, in practically the same act the old team gave. While it got a great many laughs (there was a very easy audience this being a school holiday week here) they went off with scarcely any applause. Consider the act only fair. 16 min, full stage, 3 shows.
This young woman went exceptionally well today. She has a turn of songs including costume changes. The only part of her act I didn’t like was that her costumes are not as nice as they should be. She has an exceptionally good voice and a dainty manner and a good idea of clean comedy. Her little Baby song and Dolly Dimples went exceptionally well. 16 min in one, 2 shows.
Moki Indian in magic and a little talking. He has a very magnetic manner and with his broken English pleases the audience thoroughly. The magic end of it amounts to little. Because of its novelty it makes a good three a day act. He did 23 minutes today, I shall have the act cut down to 18.
This act was out in to replace R.J. Jose, who is laid up by illness. These same people played last August in New York calling themselves the EMPIRE TRIO which name I requested them to change on account of EMPIRE QUARTETTE. They do a mighty good turn and one which should be taken advantage of while it is cheap and they are willing to do three shows. They open with the trio from Attila and the two men sing a Miserere from Il Trovetore than the three sing a medley of the better grade of popular songs and for a final encore sing a song from ‘The Girl from Kaye.’ They have all good voices and blend splendidly together; strong enough to go almost anywhere on the program and make good. They make a nice appearance and all in all it is a most desirable singing act. 13 min, in one, 3 shows.
In the same sketch ‘The Saintly Mr. Billings’ which he gave last year but which falls short this time because of poor support which last time was very good. He himself is not a very good actor and should have good people with his for that reason. The vehicle is an excellent one and is bound to please to a certain extent even in the hands of inferior people. 25 min. in three, 2 shows.
Vocalist and mimic. This woman is quite good, looks well and presents an exceptionally good three a day act. In fact, we have had many doing two shows not as good. I consider her getting just about the salary she is entitled to and to play her in the three a day section is thoroughly all right. I wouldn’t want to encourage doing any more for her than what is being done now, although she is quite good. 14 min. in one, 3 shows.
Rough knock about comedy which failed to make the impression looked for. They got a few mild laughs in spots but the comments I heard around were entirely against it. I wouldn’t consider it wise to send it further on the circuit considering the amount of money necessary to present it. 24 min. full stage, 2 shows.
Performer upon the accordion and foot organ and a decided artist. His act was listened to with most respectful attention and after sixteen minutes of playing the audience wanted more. I fail to see at what the Philadelphia audience laughed. Am afraid they are not very polite over there. 16 min, in one, 2 shows.