Four Dunbars

Casting act. These people do some good work and introduce in the act some good comedy. For that reason, in view of the novelty having gone from the acrobatic portion of this work, I prefer this team to any of the others although their casting, of course, is no tin line with the Lukens. 10 min, full stage, 2 shows.

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barrie

The man of this team is a very clever comedian who is decidedly handicapped by the lady. She is absolutely ‘excess baggage’ and aside from this is detrimental to the act. For that reason I can’t use them. The act went well in spots where he was doing something individually, but finished rather tame. 23 min, close with about 5 min in one, 2 shows.

Lloyd’s Leaping Dogs

While there is a good deal of merit to the long jumping of the dogs in this act, the fact remains that after seeing them jump over objects for four or five minutes it begins to grow monotonous and the last half of the act becomes very wearisome. I can’t say that I consider it a strong act for that reason and don’t consider it worth the salary we pay, in view of what we get in other animal act for the same money. 9 mins, full stage, 2 shows.

Ernest Hogan

Mr. Hogan didn’t reach expectations. Possibly due to his hard position on the bill and the show being late but we have had acts make big hits under the same circumstances and not receive any more salary than Mr. Hogan does. At $150, I would consider him a very good act but he is not worth what I am paying him by any means. Never again. 15 min in 1, 2 shows.

C.W. Littlefield

In this spot on the bill he got by all right, and if he were doing three shows, I would say, he did a good act, but he never can get in the 2 a day section and make ‘good’ in this house. He did that fairly successfully some years ago but he has not kept abreast of the times as all and he now had a good Sunday School act and that is about all there is to it. 18 min in one, 2 shows.

Chadwick Trio

Man, woman and little girl in rube act which the only thing that is good is the girl’s dancing. The act is just about good enough to open the show in a continuous house; certainly is no better than that. 20 min in 2, they did not close in one which I was specifically told by Mr. Al Myers they did 3 shows.

Tenbrooke, Lambert Trio

In this act one person again bears the burden and that is the man who plays the violin and performs on the piano, and also plays the part of the Frenchman. He is a decided artistic as well as a clever comedian. The act really should be on earlier than I have it but I feel that I get the best result from the show as a whole this way. 25 min, open in full stage, close with 3 min. in one, 2 shows.

Howard & North

These men were handicapped by the non-arrival of their special drop and were obliged to cut some of the act, (in the early part) but even with this disadvantage they made a distinct hit. They have got a turn that is far better than SMITH & CAMPBELLS was in its best days. This afternoon they did, 17 minutes, probably their act will run 20 min in one, 2 shows.

John Birch

In Burlesque Melodrama, “The Mosquito’s Revenge.’ There is no doubt of the fact, that this man has a novelty and a funny one. His act went with screams almost from the start and certainly to the finish. He is entitled to great credit for getting out of the beaten path. 13 min in one, 2 shows.

Grand Opera Trio

The soprano of this team (Miss Decker) in unquestionably the best vocalist in vaudeville and were the men one-half as good it would be an act that would make the audience stand on their heads. As it is it is a big hit, and probably the best singing act in the business although the greater amount of credit belongs to the woman. 14 min in 2, 2 shows.