Lloyd & Wells

9 min. A fairly good eccentric dancing due. They have a novel opening with a song, using a special drop and follow with some very good stepping. Finished to a good hand.

Ollie Young & April

11 min. Their novel soap-bubble tricks were very well received and the act furnished a good opener.

Brada & Derrick

min. This has always been classed as one of the best riding acts in vaudeville. It has played here several times and always made good as it did today, giving thorough satisfaction in the closing position.

Wellington Cross

17 min. Having established himself as a favorite here as an associate of Lois Josephine, Cross had no trouble whatever in scoring a hit with our audience. He has a lot of bright material which he handles effectively and his songs are catchy and new. He finished strong.

Theodore Kosloff & Ballet

32 min. More varied than anything he has shown here in the past, this remarkable dancer and his troupe of artists, including an excellent orchestra, which he carries, scored a tremendous applause hit. Several of the numbers scored individually. The dancing is of the highest class, beautifully executed and the act in every way ranks supreme in this class of entertainment.

Bancroft & Broske

22 min. This couple appears this season in a nut comedy act that was a great laughing and applause hit. After starting a bit slowly, they picked up speed every minute and finished in a veritable riot. Their singing and comedy make an excellent combination and they were rewarded by being compelled to answer several extra bows.

Nat Nazarro & Co.

27 min. Their new act was a big applause-winner, taking a couple of extra bows and an extra encore. The versatility of the young fellow in the act is shown to excellent advantage and gives an entirely new touch to a high-class acrobatic feature.

Ed. Marshall

19 min. His rapid sketching mingled with the talk was very well liked and he worked up some comedy by sketching patrons in the audience, finishing with a patriotic picture. Closed to a strong hand.

Robert T. Haines & Co.

23 min. “The One Way Out.” Like the majority of sketches Haines has offered in vaudeville, this one is based on the eternal triangle with a surprise finish. The play is a lecture on loyalty in the home and being timely with war atmosphere, held strict interest. Finished to a good hand.

Gallarini Sisters

12 min. Two girls who play several instruments in duets and solos. The variety of their offering won them warm favor and they finished to a very good hand.