Moon & Morris

10 min. These boys have always made good in this house and did so on this visit. Their dancing is novel, well done and they finished strong.

John Mo Gowan & Co.

25 min. “Some Bride.” Young fellow and a couple of girls in song and dances with special sets and flashy costumes. A very good little bit of musical comedy well handled. Several numbers are used and there is also some lively stepping, a combination forming a very likeable offering. Very well received.

Lee Kohlmar & Co.

30 min. “Two sweethearts.” A one-act comedy sketch which proved a very good laugh-winner with a holiday audience. The story is an unusual one and numerous comedy situations brought plenty of laughs. Went very well and finished to a big hand.

Pistel & Cushing

12 min. “The Stranded Minstrels.” An old-time blackface comedy turn, their material being the same as used by the old Simmons & White act with a property man doing the “ghost bit.” Did fairly well.

Three Kanes

7 min. These men do three tricks but each one of them is a remarkable exhibition of balancing and thrilling enough to keep the audience at strict attention. Nicely staged and made a good opener.

Joseph De Kos Co.

7 min. A very clever and nicely staged acrobatic turn by four men and a woman. An excellent routine of tricks well executed, and in the closing spot, following Tanguay, were very well received.

Eva Tanguay

21 min. A crowded house at her opening performance gave her a very warm welcome. Her costumes created the usual talk and her songs were liberally applauded. Finished strong and gave a couple of encore numbers.

Maria Lo & Co.

10 min. A series of very pretty groupings. Three women are employed for the pictures, the subjects are new and beautifully staged. A very interesting act, well liked.

Bert Hanlon

17 min. His songs went much better than his talk. The latter dragged badly and got only fair results. He also used a very long recitation for an encore which did not help him any. Went only fair.

Imof, Conn & Coreene

37 min. “A Pest House.” A low comedy sketch of old style with Imhof in his well known Irish character as the principal. Very well played and a laughing hit from start to finish.