Mollie King

15 min. The former screen-star was warmly welcomed and although starting a bit slowly with her songs got over nicely. She makes an attractive appearance and embodies several imitations of stage stars in her closing number. Some of these were very good and she finished strong, being brought back for a little speech of thanks.


28 min. A novelty dramatic sketch holding its interest through a rather remarkable transformation setting in which the scene changes from a counterfeiter’s den to a parlor. The story is dramatic with the arrest of the bogus coin operators, furnishing the climax. Held the interest of audience and closed to a good hand.

Frank & Tobie

16 min. A young fellow and girl in a variety of songs and dances. The girl makes several changes of flashy costumes. They are rather shy on voices and through having to cut several minutes out of their act, did not give a very smooth performance, doing only fair.

Pederson Bros

6 min. The same act they have been doing for several seasons. The routine of ring tricks is well handled and the act furnished an excellent opener.

Jas. & Bonnie Thornton

22 min. A warm welcome was given this well known couple when they made their first appearance in this house in several years. Much of their material is that used by them many years ago, but the audience liked it very much, joining in singing with them and laughing heartily at Thornton’s monologue. Finished to a good hand.

Fern & Davis

20 min. This act scored just as big a hit as it did here on their first appearance last year. They have made a few little changes in their material and all of it brought splendid results, the audience laughing heartily from start to finish and rewarding them with a big hand.

Grace La Rue.

20 min. She was substituted at the last minute for Elizabeth Brice who was forced to cancel on account of illness. Miss LaRue put over a good sized hit. Most of her songs are new and despite the fact that she has no number of a lively sort, each was well received and she finished to a good hand.

White & Raic

20 min. These dancers were one of the biggest applause hits of the show. Wright’s cherry disposition and versatile dancing kept the audience in good humor and applauding every minute, while Miss Haig added a liberal share to the success of the act. They closed to a big hand and were forced to make a little speech of thanks.

Mrs. Thomas Whiffee

19 min. Comedy sketch “Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way.” This is a very pretty little vehicle to introduce this grand old lady of the stage. It is a slang classic, well played and was very well received.

Black & White

9 min. Two girls in an acrobatic routine. They work in an odd setting and wear unique costumes and do a lot of tricks. Did very well in the opening act.