Comedy sketch. 4 people, epical country grocery store set, sketch called THE LOST CHORD, a little dramatic business. A very good sketch went big 25 minutes.
Man and woman. Singing and talking act. Did not please very ordinary team. 18 minutes in 1.
Violinist, good appearance. Dressed well. Does some good work. Went very well 8 minutes in one.
Colored people two men and woman. Singing and dancing. Comedy is fair singing good went well 15 minutes in one.
Comedy acrobats all week going big good enough for any house.
Two men singing and dancing act. Singing bad. Dancing good went well 10 minutes in one.
Two men, singing and talking act. Comedy is good. Have special drop went very well. 18 minutes in one.
Comedy acrobats, do some clever work. Comedy is good, went big. 10 minutes full stage.
Singing and talking act, character changes in view of the audience. 10 minutes in one went very good.
Two ladies and a man, hoop rollers and baton juggling. Clever act went big 8 minutes full stage, their own set.