Paul Cinquevalo

No new tricks. An artist with his fingertips. lighter and more graceful style

Kitty Traney

one of the few foreign artistes who dress in taste

R A Roberts

Vivid play. Lighting changes, quickest in two seconds. Character of the Hag is disgusting. Expectorates and blows their nose on the same hankercheif which is used to clean a mug.

Cliffe Berzac

“some of the best faking that has been put in an act” Unridable

Robinson and Grant

“rough and tumble wrestle between a dwarf and a lump of dough supposed to be designed for a pudding”

Whallen and Martell

Try to pretend that their Kentucky Belles have no ollio because it is fashionable to have a two act burlesque this season. Seem to be ashamed of the chorus. The chorus is well trained and well behaved, looks good and can wear small tights.