Edward Abeles and His Co.

Time 14. Interior in 3. 3 men. A distinct novelty sketch. The story of a dumb Italian boy who clears himself of suspicion of having committed murder by a pantomime rehearsal of the incidents of the crime which he goes over in the district attorney’s office. The sketch at first is a trifle “talky” and lacks action. However upon Abeles’ entrance the audience sits up and is intensely entertained by the star’s fine work. Several curtain bows.

Lillian Herlein

Open in 2. Close in 2 ½ special bathing beach with wave effect. Time 21. Very attractive woman, songs, and wardrobe. She sings with vim and “gets over” in fine fashion. Unquestionably a hit at the Monday matinee.

“High Life in Jail.”

6 men. Time 22. F.S. special jail interior. A very clever travesty about the easy times enjoyed in jail buy rich prisoners. Many very bright and original lines which won quick applause. Novel, entertaining and well acted.

George Austin Moore

1.23 min. Good singing voice and pleasing personality. Comedy rather weak.

Lina Pantzer

3 palace. 7 min. Acrobatic and novelty dancing on a wooden spade, the tight wire and the floor. Some very difficult work. Didn’t get the applause she deserved.

Four Holloways

F.S. 1 woman, 3 men, 1 man as sort of a “ring master.” This is a truly remarkable act. They work on the tight wire and perform such unusual things as barrel jumping, and different trick cycling on the wire. The comedian is excellent and does numerous hair raising twists on the stage level. The act riveted the attention of the audience.

Big City Quartette

4 men. In 1. Time 17. No comedy. They sing numerous selections ensemble and in solo. Were high class throughout.

Denman Thompson & Co.

Open in 1 (our street drop). Close F.S. special interior. Time 18. 1 woman, 1 girl, 3 men. The instant Mr. Thompson appeared he received an ovation which lasted two minutes, indicating that he undoubtedly had brought in many of his old friends. The sketch, “Joshua Whitcomb” is quaint and old fashioned but full of truly humorous touches. Mr Thompson’s age is not evident on the stage. He gets through the lines and situations in lively fashion when speed is required.

El Cota

In 1. Time, 10. Xylophone soloist. Very fine.

Louis Simon, Grace Gardner & Co.

2 men, 2 women. Time 33. They are playing the old act, “The New Coachman” for the first time here in two years. Evidently it was new to most of the audience for it went with plenty of laughter. It seems just a trifle too long, however.