16 minutes, full stage, wood, own drop. Two very clever and amusing jugglers who get much laughter and applause for their comedy and expert juggling. Their finish is strong. The act went well and made a big hit.
10 min, F.S. This is a big feature for such a show, and made a big hit. The girl coming out into the audience is something new for this type of show, and the act went very big. The girl who sings has a sweet pleasing voice, and the act should cause some talk.
17 min, F.S.: library. Man and woman in an old sketch which they did not play very well. This is the weakest spot of the whole show: got a few laughs, but did not hold up this spot as they should.
Frank Pickett works in black-face
“The Girl” had the audience guessing
as to whether she was a mechanical device
or a human being, and she is probably
the greatest living impersonator of
mechanical figures.