Fanny Rice

Star comedienne. Second appearance at our house. Opens with a new Irish poem set to music, which is an improvement over the old recitation opening. Balance of act same as last time. It goes well with body of house. Full stage. Time 19 minutes.

Hallen and Fuller

In a one act comedy, “Election Bets” by G.M. Cohan. This is a bright and sparkling sketch, and the artists do themselves much credit. It is one of their best. Act went strong. Carry an extra man for the sketch. Full stage. Time 21 minutes.

Harriet Avery Strakosch

Prima Donna Soprano. She is in excellent voice, has improved since she was here in November. Makes a fine stage appearance; selections acceptable and makes good. All in one. Time 10 minutes.  

Kiralfy Ballet

20 very pretty young ladies with Miss Stella Kiralfy and Mademoiselle Morena as premiers. It makes a big looking act. Miss Georgia Dongain sings one song, she has a very sweet voice. Chorus and dancing by the ballet. Full stage. Time 18 minutes.

J. Royer West and Ida Van Siclen

Musical extravaganza. “One summer’s day”. They do a very refined musical act, both Mr. West and Miss Van Siclen, are good musicians and make a fine appearance, handle their instruments well and make a hit with the audience. What little comedy they have is good. West is a good singer. Full stage, close in one. Time 21 minutes.

McCabe, Sabine and Vera

Sketch. “The arrival of Kitty McCarty”. Two men and woman in a comedy sketch. McCabe and Sabine are good comedians, and Miss Vera is a good dancer; there are some funny situations. The act went great here. Carry their own scenery. Full stage, close in one. Time 25 minutes.

Martin’s Monkeys Dogs and Cats

A poor act from the fact that the animals are not properly trained, and cause bad breaks and hitches; otherwise it would be an excellent performance as the ideas introduced are novel and interesting, and the amount of material is not lacking. Full stage; time 14 minutes.

John Kernell

The Irish Alderman. As usual John is a hit from the start; he has introduced a few localisms which make everyone laugh and the antiquity of the rest of his offering is easily excused. Works in one. 14 min.

Lederer’s Goblin Girls

An illusionary act entitled “Wonderland” in which 16 girls make a pleasing picture in marching maneuvers, and are assisted by Charley Schrode as a clown pantomimist. The effect has a sufficient novelty to it make it a drawing feature. Full stage; time 15 minutes.

Mark Sullivan

Imitations. Sullivan is an extremely clever mimic and his repertoire covers a large field, comprising Daniels, Sweatnam, Thornton, Haines Dockstader, John Kelly and his inimitable tough vaudeville performer. He makes a great hit, but would greatly enhance his offering if he would dress his characters and not render them all in the conventional frock coat. His copy of James Thornton is exceptionally good and was duly appreciated by the most generous applause. Works in one; time 17 minutes.