Grapewin and Chance

In a sketch “Above the Limit”. This act has not been played here in some time. It went well from start to finish. They are two very clever people; made a hit and received a very generous applause. They are too well known to need any detailed comment. Full stage. Time 29 minutes.

Bellman and Moore

Australia’s Famous Duo. In a sketch “Hester’s Promise”. Second appearance this season. It is an excellent act, bright dialogue and superbly handled, good singers. Miss Moore makes a fine appearance, their dancing gets great applause. It is a first class comedy sketch. Full stage. Time 19 minutes.

Robert Hilliard and Co.

Sketch “The Littlest Girl”. We have an extended report of this act when it was played Nov, 3rd, at this house. We can fully endorse that report for this week, the act goes just as great as ever, the only change made is, Mr. Edwin Holland take the place of Mr. Brandon Hurst, as “Carruthers”. Child has no speaking part. Full stage. Time 25 minutes.

Eva Mudge

“The Military Maid” in quick Character changes. Miss Mudge is a most graceful, pretty and pleasing young lady, and her changes are made with remarkable rapidity. She has a good voice and good songs, and it may be considered one of the best of this kind of acts on the stage. Has a good wardrobe and fine. Carries her own stage setting which is very pretty. Our audience very much pleased. Full stage. Close in one. Time 15 minutes.

Midglet and Carlise

In a sketch called “After School”. It is their second appearance this season, and their act is just as great a hit as ever. They are both clever and conscientious workers. Miss Carlisle is petite, a pretty dancer and very entertaining. Full stage, Time 26 minutes.

Elinore Sisters

In a sketch “Mrs. Delaney”. This is their second appearance this season. These young ladies are great favorites here, and this act always goes with a rush. It is a great hit for Miss Kate Elinore. Miss May sings and dances very prettily. Support very good. One of the hits of the bill. Full stage. Close in one. Time 27 minutes.

Dolan and Lenharr

In a sketch the “Sporting Duchess”. These two people are favorites here, and the act is a laugh producer and goes extremely well, this sketch has not been played here in some years. Could not get scenery on time for their new act, the above was substituted. Full stage. Time 21 minutes.

The Lamonts

Society Acrobats. Man and Woman, a very good opening act, dress well and make good appearance on stage, went well with audience. Stage in two. Time 9 minutes. On account of sickness this team worked only two days. Their place was taken by the Althea Twins who do singing and acrobatic dancing, a very fair act. Stage in two. Time 10 minutes.

Three Mortons

Sam, Clara and Paul. Singers, Dancers and Comedians. They are too well known to require any extended comment. It is one of the best acts in Vaudeville to day. The hit of the bill. Open in one, go to full stage, close in one. Time 27 minutes.

Stephen Grattan and Co.

“Locked out at 3 A.M.” A delightful little comedy sketch, and capitally acted, climax very funny, was much appreciated by the audience. Carry their own scenery. All in two. Time 18 minutes.