Clayton White, Marie Stuart and Co.

One act comedy, “Paris.” Their second appearance in this act, this season. It is a worthy successor of “Dickey.” And a great hit here. Mr. White and Miss Stuart are first class in everything they do. The act has improved wonderfully, since last here, and is one of the best in Vaudeville to-day. Much praise must be given to Miss Taylor, though her part is small, yet she looks and acts it to perfection. They are too well known to require details. Full stage. Time 27 minutes.

Eugene Sandow

The greatest “Feats of strength” and “Display of Muscles” act in the world. His lecture on Physical culture at afternoon performance, is very amusing and instructive. He is too well known to require any extended comment. The act goes great. Full stage. Time, afternoon 35 min, evening 22 min.

Culver’s Loop

Cycling sensation. This is a mechanical stage trick, and a very much overpaid act, but goes well. Full stage. Time 8 minutes.

Edith Helena

Phenomenal Singer. This is her second appearance this season. She is certainly a remarkable singer, and improves all the time. She is a great favorite at this house, and of course went strong with the audience.

Moore and Hight

“Change your act or back to the woods.” We consider this one of the best laughing acts that has been with us this season. It went great from start to finish, and is the hit of the bill. Full stage, close in one. Time 24 minutes.

Lowe and Hughes

Singers and Instrumentalists. This act must not be confounded with the Lowe Huges Trio. Lowe is the same as ever, but the woman he has is simply worthless, we cut out her singing entirely. Lowe’s Xylophone playing is great. Full stage, close in one. Time 14 minutes.

Valerie Bergere and Co.

Sketch, “Jimmies Experiment”. This new sketch is on the order of “Billie’s First Love”, it is a fine playlet, capitally acted and received with great enthusiasm by our audience. Miss Bergere is the best actress in Vaudeville, and has most excellent support. Her stage appearance is most striking, and she makes a decided hit always. Full stage. Time 24 minutes.

Crimmins and Gork

In a Scene from the Musical Comedy. This act is only passable, better suited to Burlesque houses than ours, at the same time it goes well with the audience, but too rough for our house. Full stage. Time 23 minutes.  

Two Tobins

A high class musical act, and in our judgment one of the best. They dress handsomely and make a splendid appearance. Our audience very much pleased, and showed their appreciation. Full stage, close in one. Time 18 minutes.

Three Livingstons

Lady and Gentleman Acrobats. The most refined and best act of the kind on the stage to day. They are extremely quick and graceful in all their movements, and made a great hit. See our report of October 27th, 1902. Full stage. Time 8 minutes.