Dolan and Lenharr

Sketch “A High Toned Burglar”. They were booked to play their new Sketch, “Willie off the Yacht”, but were not ready for it, so the old sketch was played, and went just as strong as ever. Full stage. Time 29 minutes.

Sailor and Barbaretto

The Pajama Girl and the Dude. This act was here twice last season and gave entire satisfaction. It goes now just as strong as ever. They have some new songs, but close with the Pajama Girl song, which is always a hit. All in one. Time 14 minutes.

Francis Gerard

Equilibrist – This is an European act, and one of the vest best that we have ever had. His muscle display is wonderful he is very graceful in all his equilibristic work, and received a very generous applause. Full stage. Time 12 minutes:

McIntyre and Heath

Two real comedians. “The Georgia Minstrels”. These artists are well-known, though they have not played here in sometime, then act is good and went strong. It is unquestionably the funniest black face specialty before the public. Open in one, close full stage. Time: 38 minutes.

Midgeley and Carlisle

Sammy and Sarah series. “After School”. This sketch has been played here several times and seems now, to go stronger than ever. There are both very clever. Miss Carlisle is young, very petite and an exquisite dancer. Full stage, close in one. Time: 31 minutes.

Bellman and Moore

Sketch, “A Gallery Goddess”. This is a new sketch at this house, and a good one. They are first class artists, and great favorites here, always make a hit. Miss Moore neat and dainty always. Full stage. Time 28 minutes.