Open as a trio with introductory song, supplemented by brief bit of stepping. Two of the girls next offer a double introducing some neat toe dancing. Girl mentioned as having a voice does a ballad, followed by another double by the pair that had previously contributed the toe stepping. Vocalist back for a short singing bit and the three close with fast dancing finish.


10 Min The Japanese Revue is a combination singing, dancing and scenic spectacle, employing six girls and a man, who works a lamp producing electrical effects from the orchestra pit. The act has an attractive opening, which establishes it immediately. Four of the girls’ heads are thrust through as many holes in a large fan, the fan being embroidered on a drop in “one.” The fan is orange and the body of the drop black. The girls comprise a singing quartet, the turn starting with an ensemble number, which is tunefully sung, good lighting accentuating the color values of the scenic background. Full stage scene next, with Jap scenery, possessing a dash of the futuristic. The female quartet have another inning here, likewise the fifth and sixth members of the troupe, respectively a poser and dancer.


15 Mins. Two men in perch work. A 24- foot perch is used for the opening, balanced in the usual way with the mounter going through a difficult routine of gymnastics. The perch is very high, it being necessary to raise the borders considerably. The height makes for thrilling stuff, but has a drawback in that the top man can not be seen by those in the rear of the orchestra or balcony. A special eye in two backs up the gymnastics. Later this parts, disclosing a scenic marine view. A ladder follows the perch, with the mounter doing more dangerous looking stuff. Still another perch is used later, a double arrangement, supported on the soles of the feet of the understander. Pedal Juggling with a large football by one of the men serves to vary the perch work.


12 Mins.; Full Stage Arthur Hill, formerly of Hill and Sylvia nay, has framed a cycle turn around the old-time high-wheel bike of 30 years ago using that style exclusively in addition to a wooden cart wheel and unicycle for trick stuff. Miss Sanders assists in the comedy end and does a brief bit of riding toward the finish. One of the tricks has Mr. Hill holding Miss Banders on his shoulders while he rides the unicycle. The feature is the holding aloft of Miss Sanders on the palm of Mr. Hill’s hand, he at the same time riding the high bike.