Baker, DeVoe and ammer

He is rather heavy for this sort of work and dresses after a fashion that does not particularly reduce the impression of excess flesh.

The Alpha Trio

The three have an excellent idea in the hanging of the stage in solid black from which their light dressing stands forth. The apparatus is brightly colored in luminous paint and this arrangement adds to the effect of the work.

The Military Octet

Monday night the scene in India was shown without the ridiculous “prop” elephant that has been introduced right along in the important interest of “local color.”

A Day and a Night in Atlantic City

The lights were grossly mishandled and when the girls were not working in Egyptian darkness they were in full glare of the electrics, whereas the settings were constructed with broad effects, meant to be shown under half-lights. The result was as complete a fizzle as a stage crew could possibly make of what gave evidence of being a skillfully arranged electrical spectacle.