Milly Capell

Empress equestrienne. Her Arabian stallion and trained dogs, make a closing act of rare excellence and interest. A decided hit. Miss Capell is graceful and commanding, and has excellent control over her horse and dogs. Full stage. 12 min.

Billy B. Van & Rose Beaumont

‘My Busiy [sic] Day’. This is Van’s old sketch, which everyone knows. It is funny and well played. Miss Beaumont is a fine looking woman, dresses elegantly, acts and dances well. They received several curtain calls. A good act for here. Full stage. 22 min.

Aurie Dagwell

‘The Girl of ’61.’ This is her first appearance in this house, and gives her entire satisfaction. Has a remarkably sweet voice, and selections good. Her war songs created great applause. Makes fine appearance in stage. Good act. All in one. 13 min.

Mudge & Morton

Musical. A remarkably good team, both fine dressers and make a nice stage appearance. The sing well and play Saxophones to perfection. They have a rather hard place on the bill, but make good. All in one, time 12 min.

Four Welsons

Acrobatic ring act. This is their first appearance in Brooklyn. We consider it a first class act. Their muscular development and posing are great, they make some very pretty pictures and were well received. Full stage, 10 min.

‘Minstrel Misses’

There are seventeen young and pretty women, all well trained. They first appear in a ‘white face’ specialty, after which they apply burnt cork to their pretty features, (this operation taking place in full view of the audience and affords considerable fun) and give an old time minstrel first part with ‘tambos,’ ‘bongs,’ ‘interlocutor and double sextette.’ Plantation songs and dances follow. It is decided novelty here and goes great. Full stage, 21 min.

Smirl & Kessner

Bell Boy and dangerous maid. Man and woman in a comedy acrobatic act. The man does some difficult tumbling, which is good, the woman’s dancing only fair. It is a lively act however, and goes well. They introduce a trick dog in closing, and with the buck dance, gives them a good finish with great applause. Full stage, close in one, 16 min.

The Baileys

Rag-time dancers and Coon singers. Colored man and woman doing the conventional colored act. It is a very lively act. Singing is only fair, dancing rather rough. They close with Kinetescope dance, and had great applause. Fair act and went well. All in one. Time 12 min.

Manning’s Entertainers

‘A Hotel Porter.’ Four men. Comedy and pantomime. This is a lot of odd stuff put together and acted in a way that gave entire satisfaction to the audience, they are good comedians and tumblers and held the audience to the very close. A good act. Full stage, 17 min.

Adamini & Taylor

Wandering Minstrels. Man and woman (Adamini of the four Dumonds, and Louise Taylor of Operatic fame.) One of the best singing acts played at this house. Very little comedy, but good. Miss Taylor has a most excellent voice and a charming personality, their voices blend finely, and songs are catchy. They have a hard place on the bill in following the Primrose act, but made good. All in one, 15 min.