John C. Rice & Sally Coner

‘All the World Loves a Lover.’ This is their second week and their sketch a most excellent one. As we said, last week, they are two admirable artists, they play this sketch to perfection, eliciting great applause. There are many strong points, and well brought out. Full stage, 24 min.

Kennedy & Rooney

Eccentric Dancing Duo. This is a very good opening act, and went quite as strong as most opening acts of this kind. Both very good dancers, with fair comedy. A good act and worthy of a better place on the bill. Full stage, close in one. 14 min.

John C. Rich & Sallie Cohen

‘Our Honeymoon.’ A very strong sketch, and finely acted, both are accomplished players, and created great applause. They will remain with us another week, but in a different sketch. Full stage, 23 min.

The Passparts

In Dances of All Nations. This is their first opening, having just arrived from Europe. They are most excellent dancers, and the act goes with style and finish. Their imitations of the different styles of National dancing, being very good. A good act. Full stage, 10 min.

Rialta’s European Sensation

Rialta is well known as ‘Fire Dancer.’ She is assisted by eight young English girls, who sing and dance fairly well. Rialta does her usual spectacular drapery dance, with mirror etc. In its present shape, can only be considered as fair. Full stage, 13 min.

Dan Daly

In imitations of his own characterization. Has two assistants. Mr. Daly is in good form and the act goes strong. Everybody knows ‘Dan Daly’ and he is certainly a drawing card. Does his make-up on the stage, and carries a dialogue and sings at the same time. His closing character song is great, and receives most generous applause. Full stage, 22 min.

Eva Mudge

‘The Military Maid.’ In quick character changes. We consider this one of the best acts of the kind on the stage, her remarkable rapidity is wonderful. She is very graceful and pleasing young lady. Has many new costumes, and a new closing song. Act goes very strong. Carry own stage setting. Full stage, close in one. 15 min.

Dolan & Lenharr

‘Taking Chances.’ This sketch has so often been commented upon, throughout the country, and it is so well known, that it is needleless to give a detailed account. They are very great favorites here and the act goes very strong, both are accomplished players, and are assisted by the house man. Full stage, 28 min.

Laura Millard

Operatic selections. This is Miss Millard’s first appearance in vaudeville and she made a decided hit. She is from Brooklyn and is well known as a Prima Donna of the Castle Square Opera, and other companies. She is handsome and magnetic woman, dresses beautifully and has a sweet and well cultivated voice. Her rendering of the ‘Last Rose of Summer,’ is the best that we have ever heard. All of her selections are fine. All in one. 14 min.

Mattie Keene & Co.

‘Her First Divorce Case.’ A very bright sketch, admirably acted, goes with snap and vigor. Miss Keeve is cleverly vivacious throughout and commands much applause. Full stage, 16 min.