Donahue & Nichols

Acrobatic comedy duo. This team has played here several times and always make good. We consider it one of the best acts of the kind that comes to this house. Miss Nichols is very pretty, a nice dancer, and always has a smile that takes. Donahue’s comedy in good. The act of quick action and gets good applause. Full stage, close in one, 13 min.

Agnes Mahr

Tommy Atkins Toe Dancer. The first time at this house. She is very fine dancer, makes several quick changes, is very graceful and attractive on the stage. One of the best opening acts that we have had, is worthy of a better place on the bill. Full stage, 9 min.

Sisters Gasch

Two young ladies who do one of the best acrobatic acts that we have had in years. They dress well and are very graceful in their movements. They perform many difficult tricks and have wonderful muscular power. The head balancing is really extraordinary. A good act. Full stage, 7 min.

Paul Spadoni

Juggler. First appearance in this country. One of the best juggling acts on the stage. Stage personality very attractive. Does his work with unerring deftness and made a great hit. Held the audience to the very finish. Full stage, 21 min.

Rosario Guerrero

‘The Rose and the Dagger,’ this is a pantomimic act, and a very pleasing one. Miss Guerrero is a very handsome woman, a good dresser and dances with exquisite grace. She is ably supported by Dufaure Phillips. It is an act that appeal to the body of the house, and made a decided hit. Full stage, 14 min.

Mary Hampton

‘The Melodrama & Company,’ This is satirical comedy by Edmund day, and good one. Miss Hampton is very good and is ably supported by Whitman and Davis. It is out of the run of ordinary sketches, and seems to take well with audiences. Full stage, 26 min.

Burke, La Rue & Inkey Boys

We consider this a good act. They have made a great hit, and received many curtain calls. The two colored boys are especially good. Burke and La Rue sustain their parts finely. Dancing and singing good. Full stage. 25 min.

Mr. & Mrs. Bobyn’s

‘Counsel for the Defense.’ This act is well known, and requires no particular comment; while it has been several times, yet, the audience never lose interest in it. Goes very strong, a good act for this house. Full stage, 33 min.

Poettinger’s Swedish Ladies Quintette

They appear in National costume, carry their own setting, which makes a very pretty stage picture. They are very fair singers, and the act throughout is a pleasing one to the greater part of the audience. Full stage, 15 min.

Will H. Sloane & Yolande Wallace

‘The Plumber.’ A good act, though the opening is rather tame, the finish is very strong. Miss Wallace is a handsome woman and dresses well. Sloan is an artist and an accomplished player, his German dialect is first class, and from the time he sits down to play cards it is one continuous applause to the finish. Full stage, 23 min.