Wallno & Mauriette

Vienna Caricature Dancers. This is the first appearance at this house, and they certainly made good. Their singing is only incidental in connection with their dancing. Both are graceful and fine dancers. Act went very strong. Good act. Full stage. Time 8 minutes.

Hassan Ben Ali’s Arabs

The best troupe of Arabs that we have ever played here. The act is good all the way through, and went very strong. Full stage. Time 10 minutes

La Troupe Carmen

Performers on suspended wire. Three men and two women. One of the best acts of the kind, ever in this house. They do wonderful work. Made a decided hit. Full stage. Time 17 minutes.

Rooney & Francis

Eccentric and Acrobatic Dances. A lively dancing act, and goes very strong. They are both good, and made quite a hit. Full stage, close in one. Time 10 minutes.

Avon Comedy Four

“Our New Teacher”. A good strong act. Comedy, singing and dancing all good. Always go well here. Full stage, close in one. Time 23 minutes

Hodge Hall & Co

“The troubles of Bill Blithers, Bachelor”. This is their first appearance at this house. We consider it a very fair sketch. Hodge is an excellent comedian, and his support good. They gained a good applause. Full stage. Time 21 minutes.

Carter & Bluford

Dusky Fashion Plates. Colored man and woman who do very good work in Singing and dancing. A good opening act. Full stage close in one. Time 13 minutes

The Heavenly Twins

Sketch. Two women and one man. This is a sketch that is only pleasing to the body of the house. It is really a ‘mistaken identity’ sketch. It is fairly acted. The closing is done with the aid of a large dog brought in to identify the chosen one of the twins, and is quite effective. Full stage. Time 22 minutes.

The World’s Trio

Singing and dancing. One of the best song and dance acts that comes to this house. Women open with Bowery song interspersed with good comedy. All change to very elaborate costumes, and with the aid of lights do an extremely fine song and dance, the effect from the front being very striking. They always make a decided hit. The man’s monologue and song is not the best, but answers the purpose very well.

Delmore & Len

Gymnasts. One of the best acts ever seen in this house. They do a novelty serial ladder act, their costumes being entirely white against a black background. They so some exceedingly pretty work on the ladder, which is given a rotary motion and swings horizontally, they are very daring and attractive, their finish being a breakaway which creates a great sensation. They are certainly gymnasts of unusual accomplishments. Act goes great. Full stage, 12 min.