Sabel Johnson

Singer. This lady makes a very fine stage appearance, has a very sweet, high soprano voice, and good selections. Made quite a hit. All in one. Time 11 minutes.


Equilibrist. European act of great merit. Has swinging trapeze, and makes a speciality of head balancing, which he does in great shape. Made quite a hit for an opening act. Full stage, close in one. 8 minutes.

Paul Stephens

Equilibrist. This man has only one leg, and his feats are very good, the best part being his work on the wire and balancing on an unsupported pole. Good act. Full stage. Time 7 minutes.

Hal Godfrey & Co.

“A Very Bad Boy”. Same sketch that they played here last season. We don’t see much improvement. It is only a fair act. Godfrey is a good grotesque dancer and the act went fairly well. Full stage. Time 24 minutes.

Charles Ernest

Songs ad Sayings. Blackface comedian. Has a good voice and considerable stuff which is new to our audience. Act does very good. All in one. Time 19 minutes

Ballet Unique

Keith’s New York House gave a detailed report of this act on March 7th, and we can add but little to it. The idea is good, and with a fine set of girls might be made a good act. It is rather pleasing and went fairly well. Full stage. Time 10 minutes

Johnson, Davenport & Lorella

Acrobatic Comiques. The same act that they have played here before. A good opening act and goes strong. Full stage, close in one. Time 12 minutes.

The Misses Delmore

Musical. This is their second appearance this season. They are two young women of pleasing personality, and render their selections with rare delicacy and refinement. The violin solo, “Cavalleria Rusticana” was finely executed. A good act and went strong. All in one. Time 16 minutes.

Garvey & Thompson

“Wanted a Porter”. This team is new to us, their singing and dancing are both good. They closed the act with an amusing imitation of an old time song and dance team. A strong act for our house, made a decided hit. Full stage, close in one. Time 23 minutes.

The Four Webbs

European Gymnasts. This is a good act. They performed apparently impossible feats, with ease, grace and wonderful endurance, and held the audience to the very close. Full stage. Time 9 minutes.