Elinore Sisters & Co

“Adventures of Bedelia”. These young ladies are great favorites here, and the act always makes a decided hit. Full stage, close in one. Time 25 minutes.

Holcombe, Curtis & Webb

A Winter Session”. The same sketch they usually play here. It always goes well. The make-up of the team is changed; Margaret Webb taking the place of Sadie Cushman, which is an improvement. Full stage, close in one. Time 25 minutes.

Bates Musical Trio

– Instrumentalists. Two women and one man, who do a very nice musical act. They use electrical appliances in connection with the act, which makes it very effective. Close with the Saxophones. Went good. Open in one, then full, close in one. 20 minutes.

Girard & Gardner

“Dooley and the Diamonds”. This is the old act of the “Soubrette and Cop” re-written. It is a good act and goes strong here. Miss Gardner is pretty, graceful, and a good singer. Girard is very funny and acts well. They are assisted by two stage hands. Full stage. Time 23 minutes.

Pantzer Trio

A Gymanst’s Parlor Amusement. This act is very finished in every respect. The two women are very graceful contortionists, and the man’s work and comedy good. A good act. Full stage. Time 13 minutes.

Gardner & Vincent

“An Idyl of the Links”. This is quite an attractive sketch, some funny situations. Gardner’s eccentric dancing and tumbling very good. Can be classed as a good sketch, went quite strong. Full stage. Time 17 minutes.

Wartenburg Brothers

Double foot Experts. This is a remarkably good act; though a hard place on the bill, they made good and gained a good round applause. Full stage. Time 8 minutes.

Congo Bongo Act

The Evolution of the Negro. This is a new act, and the performers are colored boys; eight in number. They come out fist, dressed as natives, then the scene changes to a Louisiana plantation, where they sing several songs, interspersed with dances. Scene then changes to the Holland House New York, where they come on dressed as waiters, with song and dance. It is rather a novel act and made quite a hit. After the act is perfected, it will be very good. Full stage, close in one. Time 17 minutes.

Romani Trio

European Musical Sensation. This is a foreign act, and a good one. They play coach horns, cornets etc. and do it in a masterly manner. Went well. All in one. Time 12 minutes.

Edna Wallace Hopper

“The March of Time”. This is a very pretty playlet. Miss Hopper is assisted by a strong company, though small; of course it was an ovation on her entrance and closing. She is just as attractive and charming as ever, and will be a great acquisition to vaudeville if she remains in it. The sketch is capitally acted throughout. Miss Hopper is one of the best drawing cards that we have ever had. Full stage. Time 25 minutes.