Rae & Brosche

“A Woman of few Words”. This is the same sketch that they have had here before, went very good. Use stage hand in closing. Open one, full, close in one. Time 19 minutes.

La Vine Cameron Trio

Acrobatic Dancing and Comedy. Two men who do the acrobatic work, and woman who does dancing and contortion. They dress very neatly and do good work. Woman a clever dancer and contortionist. A good act and went strong. Full stage. Time 10 minutes.

Purcell & Brooks

“A Bell-boy’s Troubles”. This is a comedy and singing act, with some good material; it went quite for an opener. A very good act. Full stage, close in one. Time 16 minutes.

Lewis McCord & Co.

“Her Last Rehearsal”.  We consider this one of the best sketches that comes to this house. It always goes very strong. Mr. McCord’s support is good. Miss Bates has improved very much since last here. Full stage. Time 29 minutes.

Johnnie Carroll

Songstories. Carroll being a Brooklyn man, is consequently a favorite. He does his usual act which always goes good. He has the assistance of a young lady, singing from the upper box, which adds much to the act. All in one. Time 14 minutes.

Dancing Mitchells

This team is new to us; they sing and dance, but their singing was so poor, that we cut it out. They now do a straight dancing act which is very good and gave entire satisfaction. Full stage. Time 8 minutes.

Laura Millard

Singer. This is her second appearance this season; we gave an extended report on Dec. 14th, 1903. She goes just as strong as before. Has all new songs and made a decided hit. A good act. Open full, close in one. Time 10 minutes.


With her trained horse “Loki”, in living Art Studies. Second appearance this season. See our report of October 5th, 1903. A good act, and goes very strong for a closing act. Full stage. Time 10 minutes.

Frank Bush

Story-teller. Second appearance this season; he always has new stuff and yarns and tells them in a very fascinating manner, which makes him a great favorite. Act goes very strong. All in one. Time 15 minutes.

Paul Spadoni

Juggler. Second appearance this season. One of the best juggling acts on the stage. Our report of Feb 8th, covers the ground. Goes great. Full stage. Time 20 minutes.