Bertie Fowler

Monologue and Songs.Her repertoire has not undergone much change since her last visit, but she has a pleasing manner and generally makes good here. What she does do is well done. Works in one. Time 11 minutes.

Loie Fuller

Has proved to be a good drawing card. The electrical effects produced are novel and very beautiful. Mill Fuller’s entertainment is of a class that stands alone and unequalled in its originality. Has a large force of assistants and the paraphernalia used is most complicated. Full stage; time 19 minutes.  

Mattie Keene and Co.

“Her first Divorce Case” A bright little sketch, that does off with snap and vigor; Miss Keene is cleverly vivacious throughout and has competent assistance. Full stage; time 17 minutes.

Sailor and Barbaretto

The man and the Pajama Girl. Capital singing act of 13 minutes. Work in one to great advantage; and the change of costume of Miss Barbaretto from concert dress to Pajamas is a pleasing one and makes a hit.


Mad Juggler. As usual, is one of the chief hits of the show; gets the laugh from the start and it continues throughout; his impromptu dancing at intervals is very funny and his general abandonment to any established rule or custom makes the act a continued surprise and keeps the house in an uproar. Full stage. Time 14 min.

Seminary Girls

32 min. full stage close in 1. Own set. Four girls and four men. Act goes fairly well but there is something lacking. It may work out alright after a few more performances. Scenery and costumes good. Pretty girls and idea novel.

Florence Halliday

12 min. one. The wife of a New York Minister. Received many columns of newspaper notices and drew big houses at both performances yesterday. Has a good contralto voice and pleased the audience.


17 min. full stage. Carrying big scenic effects and using a number of assistants and supers. Consider it a good novelty act. Fulgora’s work is very clever. If this act came from Europe everybody would be after it.

Lillian Burkhart and Company

29 min. full stage “A Strenuous Daisy”. A new sketch with four people. Best act Miss Burkhart has ever had. Very good, and went with screams of laughter. Her work as a slangy Western girl was excellent.

Juggling Jordans

8 min. full stage, close in 1. Three young men in a club juggling act. Their work is very good but their dressing is poor. Still I consider it a very good act for the money.