The Circus Rider and Ringmaster. Absolutely no change whatever in this act. Notwithstanding this, it seems to go well with the audience. Hayes is a very clever acrobat and the little fellow always gets his share of the laughs. Full stage. Time 16 minutes.
Song and Dance Comedians. Good opening act; no change from their last appearance here, but always make good. They have a clever bit of slum life with a tough dance, which goes well. Passquelina’s change in last half of act is very acceptable. Use full stage, closing in one; time 21 minutes.
“Fun in a Turkish Bath” Very poor piece of comedy in which they are helped by a man and a small boy, but the Provosts are exceedingly clever tumblers with a lot of startling tricks, which saves the act and makes it a good closer. Full stage. Time 12 minutes.
“The Hoodoo”. This act should be decently buried; everybody is sick of it. These artists have not added a new word or situation to their offering, and it is very tiresome, particularly as they are really clever people and good entertainment should be expected from them; use the house man to advantage. Full stage, closing in one. Time 25 minutes.
Last week of her engagement; no change in the programme; continues to draw well. Unquestionably Miss Fuller’s Dance of the Archangel is far superior to her other efforts; it is a marvel of grace and beauty and makes a great impression upon her audiences. Full stage; time 15 minutes.
“The Jolly Jollier”. One of the most pleasing little sketches produced here this season. The work of Mr. Barrows as the old bon vivant is exceptionally clever and he is ably assisted by Mr. Lancaster but in the young wife of Miss May, there is much to be desired, as she is extremely affected. The lines of the sketch are bright and pathetic, and the act makes a decided hit under the masterly handling of Mr. Barrows. Full stage; time 23 minutes.
“The Two Actors”. No change in their act; make a go of it however, despite its age, and in the talking scene at the close have gotten well into the good graces of the house. In opening, use full stage, closing in one. Something new would be acceptable from these artists. Time 21 minutes.
Character imitations. A very clever act, much improved, containing new matter beside his Rip Van Winkle performance. His vaudeville work comprises excellent characterizations of Weber and Fields (with a dummy) Jimmy Russeel, Joe Hart, John L. Sullivan, Lew Dockstader and Richard Mansfield. The field covered shows conclusively Mr. Stephen’s versatile ability, and the four scenes given from Rip Van Winkle are also extremely good. He uses several assistants in character and carries his own drops. Made a decided hit here at each performance. 27 mins.
Two men and a woman in a comedy sketch introducing the betting on a horse race. Fair opening act, creating some laughter. Use full stage, closing in one with coon song in German dialect. Time 19 minutes.
Acrobats and Barrel Jumpers. Have a very swell act, one of the best of its kind. Two men in evening dress and a girl; they make a capital closing performance; full stage, 13 minutes.