18 minutes Full Stage. A novel sketch that pleased greatly while the piano playing of Madden is a distinct feature, the act as a whole making hit.
9 minutes in 1. Two hard working boys who are good dancers, and hold this spot in good shape.
10 minutes full stage. This is the worst animal act we have ever played.
Strong Men. 12 minutes full stage. These men are marvels of strength, work quick and clean and perform some wonderful feats. They should draw some money.
Songs and piano playing. 1 minutes full stage. These artists brought all new songs each scoring heavily. They have greatly improved since since [sic] first visit here. Act closed to big hand.
“Tony and the Stork”. 19 minutes full stage. Freeman very good actor, support fair. Sketch pleased our audience and closed to three curtain calls.
Whistler, 9 minutes in 1, Pretty girl, handsomely gowned, whose whistling strike a popular chord, and enables her to hold this spot very acceptably.
Blackface comedian. 15 minutes in 1. Good material well delivered, made a hit.
Hoop rollers and jugglers. A most attractive offering. Their work is fast and accurate and stage settings handsome. 10 minutes full stage.
12 minutes in 1. Two splendid dancers. Good enough to hold number three or four spot on any bill.