Plot revolves around a car salesman and his son who loves the new stenographer.
Comic dialogue.
"Adam Killjoy."
Holman had the Fifth Avenue audience laughing heartily every moment he was in view.
In the new "Adam Killjoy" sketch Harry Holman has a vaudeville vehicle that perfectly suits this jocular comedian. There's slang of the merry quipy order and the laughs comes thick and fast. Holman's droll, unctuous humor is quietly but forcefully put over. It's a good act for Holman. The lines, snappily written, are handled skillfully by him. His support is fairly good, the boy and girl speaking their lines distinctly. Holman's fun-making is not of the roughhouse, boisterous type, but is of the good, breezy, wholesome make that is cheerfully welcomed in any neighborhood. In a dandy spot at the Fifth Avenue the results were certain and curtain calls pronounced.
Variety, 38:9 (04/30/1915)