“Parisian Widows”

Frank Abbott, who has been identified with the "legitimate" for years, has assumed the managerial reins and had made a number of changes for the better. Fields and Wooley handle the principal comedy. James Rowland adds a good Irish character, Thomas Dugan has the "straight" role. Maggie Ross and Liddy Berg have been taken from the chorus to Introduce a burlesque on the "Merry Widow Waltz" and do !{ cleverly, while the "Kiddo" dance, which Is a new title for a "cooch." done by Ollie Omega, was suppressed after the first show. Jeanne Brooks Is still wearing her smile and with a change of songs proved one of the features of the show. The Lynotte Sisters made a good appearance In showy dresses, but need to display a little life to keep pace with the rest. Fields and Wooley work hard from start to finish.
Variety 9:6 (01/25/1908)