The “Miss
New York Jr.” Company Is styled “A $10,000
Beauty Show” and the best claim to this caption
is through the scenery carried. The expenditure
of Just a trifle more money would have supplied
another drop or two. which Is sorely needed.
As a
special feature, "Ampere" gave a scientific exhibition
of his skill In handling electricity, the
tricks being similar to those exhibited by Volta,
In vaudeville.
"The Navigators." Dave Ferguson
has the role of "sissy," Abe
Reynolds, in tbe familiar Hebrew role, takes good
care of the comedy. Miss Lee White has the one principal
female role and fills It most acceptably. Helen Davis is
the other female who has a part. Perry and
White have the first specialty. The Esterbrooks Introduce a musical specialty. Jack and
Helen Davis proved one of the big hits of the
show in a dancing specialty.
"kind applause" finish brings down the curtain.
It is not a difficult story to follow,
for the comedy Is almost straight and clean cut
from start to finish, the absence of "slapstick"
comedy and offensive features being one of the
strongest assets of the show. It is the cleanest
show that has visited this city this season, there
being not one line of suggestiveness nor a profane
word used. There are only
two good comedy parts and at times the action
drags through too lengthy dialogue.
Variety 9:6 (01/25/1908)