Dr. Herman

Dr. Herman had an elaborate and showy apparatus upon the stage, among the many being a “Herman coil.”
Dr. Herman is a corking showman every minute with a speaking voice of much strength.
Advance notice was given for this "electrical act" last week. Dr. Herman gave a short descriptive lecture and a few demonstrations of his electrical apparatus, including some with volunteers.
Once Dr. Herman began the demonstrations with volunteers the commenced. From that minute, the laughter by the audience hardly ceased until the act finished. A great many will wonder why intelligent people will laugh at these exhibitions, but they do nevertheless, and the wonderers will laugh with them - because it's funny.
Hammerstein's turned out one of the best laughing acts ever in vaudeville. The antics of every one of the "committee" is of the impression are natural to the touch of electricity, and therefore fun during the performance strikes the audience as naturally made and always "clean."
Variety 17:5 (01/08/1910)