John Burke and Co.

15 Mins.; Full Stage (Special Set). Dramatic novelty with a big of dancing interspersed. Two men and two women in it. Mr. Burke has the role of the old dancing master. He has adopted the daughter of one of his stars who has died and the act opens the night of the youngster’s debut at Drury Lane. The old master has been dubbed a “has been.” He sends the girl to the theatre and sits dreaming of the past, during which the mother appears before him and goes through a series of ballet steps. Following this Mr. Burke offers an old fashioned soft shoe dance, heartedly applauded. At the finish the girl reappears, but one is left to guess weather or not her debut has been a success. The turn will fill a good spot on small time nicely.
Variety, Volume XXXVI, no.10, November 7, 1914